Certain Countries

This document contains a list of countries where the company does not provide its services. This decision is made for various reasons, and in these regions, our products and services are not available. Below is the complete list of such countries:

•  Afghanistan

•  Central African Republic

•  The Democratic Republic of the Congo

•  Islamic Republic of Iran

•  Liberia

•  Nicaragua

•  Somalia

•  Syrian Arab Republic

•  Venezuela

•  Belarus

•  Cuba

•  Côte d’Ivoire

•  Iraq

•  Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

•  Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

•  Sudan

•  Ukraine

•  Yemen

•  Burundi

•  Republic of the Congo

•  Hong Kong

•  Lebanon

•  Myanmar

•  Russian Federation

•  South Sudan

•  United States

•  Zimbabwe

We aim to keep our clients informed about the geographical scope of our services. If there are any changes to this list, the relevant information will be published promptly.

Note: The list is not exhaustive and may be updated based on changes in company policy.